Monday, November 24, 2014

Next New

Suggest a new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist. Describe it.

I suggest a new type of New Media called "CLASS". CLASS promotes networking between classmates and professors. Anyone can access CLASS with verified student code. It's free to use and also application (Android and ISO) versions are available as well. This will lead encouraging better communication in classes, and easier grouping for class projects among students than traditional ways

The form of New Media is Web-based-system, using basic web browsing. Mentioned earlier, it also support the application systems. Both of web page and application, users can share thoughts and ideas via chatting room, idea board, and study room. In conclusion, it is an ideal new media for education to avoid a lack of communication and to foster a better class environment. I'd like to work on this new type of New Media further more. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wiki So Far

Create a new post on your blog with the above title. In your post, discuss the following.
...what you have been doing to contribute to our class wiki. Pages you have created and/or edited. Describe in general terms content you have added. If you have not added any content yet, then at least describe the research you have done and what you are working on towards this goal.

I am working on a Wiki page for cloud computing system. Description of cloud computing: Cloud computing is computing in which large groups of remote servers are networked to allow centralized data storage and online access to computer services or resources. Clouds can be classified as public, private or hybrid. I plan to research on the cloud computing system to add  another category on our Wiki page.


The file sharing is to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or internet. These days, many people share their own files through the internet. In recent years, companies like Dropbox or Google have developed the cloud computing system to make transfer easier than ever before.

The P2P file sharing is an abbreviation for Peer-to-Peer file sharing. It allows users to access media files such as books, music, movies, and games using a P2P software program that searches for other connected computers on a P2P network to locate the desired content. The peers of such networks are end-user computer systems that are interconnected via the Internet.

For example, torrent is well-known P2P file sharing according to the article in WIRED Magazine, it reports Bram Cohen who is the creator of BitTorrent, one of the most successful peer-to-peer programs ever about 150,000 users a day. BitTorrent lets users quickly upload and download enormous amounts of data, files that are hundreds or thousands of times bigger than a single MP3. In the article, Bram said “The more files you're willing to share, the faster any individual torrent downloads to your computer”. This can be pros and cons of the torrent since the speed of downloads varies depending on the number of peers (ThompsonClive, 2005).

Works Cited

Thompson, C. (2005, January). The BitTorrent Effect. Retrieved from WIRED:


Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Privacy related to New Media is one of the popular issues in these days. Privacy is level of protection available to all data and information that a person enters a social network, in the degree of accessibility to them than other Internet users or may have. So the providers such as Facebook provide the services like privacy Settings which the users are able to decide what they wants to share with other users. Risks are being caused by fake profiles, impersonation and access to information from minors. The results could be, for example, people who were robbed while they were in enjoying holidays (Credit card hacking - licked personal information). Secondly, workers who commented on their heads improperly (level of privacy). Lastly, couples who discover infidelity (caused by cyber dating). 


I'd suggest that, by using the Social Networking Services of New Media, the college would be able to promote the reputation and ranks of the college as well. Facebook page, Instagram, twitter, and etc will bring out more information to other people who are outside of Baruch. In addition, Baruch college should improve on their New Media related classes since the subject, New Media, becomes much important than before and essential in our daily life. For example, the college should provide New Media as a major subject. I believe they currently provide the New Media subject as only a minor program. However, if the college support the major program of New Media, not only students have more choices on their majoring, but also the college will have benefits such as reinforcement of the technology side. Eventually, the Baruch community will have beneficial effects on economic side by hiring more professors and staffs in related fields.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Being creative is such a key factor in any fields or industries to evolve to the next level. The new media has been developed in many different type of forms. For example, twitter bring up all the new markets by using the hashtag functions. I believe it is one of the strong point of twitter and has lots of potential to discover creativity in terms of expanding hidden market that we haven’t found out. Retweet function also makes the tweeting exciting and it will provide variety of information into the twitter communities. From the transactions, the twitter will be able to algorithms that have infinitive possibility to expand the creativity such as medical industries being able to develop and aid vaccines for areas or countries where need for. Likewise, the creativity with new media has no boundaries to expand into the real world.

Creativity and New Media

This is a new social media called "Learning New Language"(LTW). Once you select your language as input and output you want to speak with, the social website will automatically find a conversation partner in a chatting window. It will provide an auto-translate function and you can learn and make friends spontaneously. People can not only share pictures and files over the social website, they can but also save the conversation record in their social networking sites or something. This will be a new type of social media that can lead building up variety of social relationships, communities and educational purpose genre.

Blog About Twitter

The twitter discussion is very quick, instant and spontaneous comparing to a Blackboard discussion and and in-class discussion since there’s only certain amount of characters (140) that users can insert in each posting. It means the twitter directly delivers the user’s message to the other users like a flash lights between light houses and ships at night time. It has a function called hashtag (#whateveryouwanttosay), that could make the postings more variety even though the users can only type 140 characters. When you click the hashtag, you will be able to see all the other user’s posting with the same hashtags.

On the other hand, the BlackBoard discussion contains heavy contents but much clearer than the twitter discussion. Each discussion has a title and is based on given topics or certain subjects. By commenting each posting, the users are able to communicate each other. Lastly, the in-class discussion is clear and direct the most because the communication happens in real-time. However, it could be too costly and somewhat hard to meet up and have a discussion, especially when the group is widely distributed.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Virtual Worlds

Technologies have been dramatically advanced and evolved from time to time. Nowadays, mega-size companies such as Samsung, IBM and Google have invested their capitals into a new formation of healthcare field combined with specialized technical skill system that leads to innovations in virtual medical industries. Basically, they conflate those computerized system with the current medical industries, so that doctors are virtually able to diagnose patients using remote control systems without physical contact. Therefore, the patient can be provided the medical service at anywhere; they would not need to be in actual hospitals. It will bring out more demands and supplies, which will also boost up economic growth. To be specific, consulting and analyzing based on Big Data system would help out of building up structures in terms of the virtual world.   

Pros and cons always exist. For the pros, it will bring out productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness since there will be less procedures. For example, you don’t really need to go to see your doctor because of the virtual diagnose system. On the other hand, there will be limitation of the virtual system. Even if the technology has been developed than in the decade before, there exist the limitation that we could have not been able to overcome yet. It is not accurate as much as the service provided in person. You have to see objectives using your senses, especially in medical associated cases. The virtual worlds are very creative and I believe the potentials in the future is infinite; you will be able to do anything at anywhere such as even having surgery with robot surgeons instead of human at the hospital.

Works Cited

Mehta, D. (2013, April 30). After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot? Retrieved from Forbes:
Musgrove, M. (2008, April 2). Technology -At Hearing, Real and Virtual Worlds Collide. Retrieved from Washington Post:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Comparison the social network websites

Google+, Orkut, Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter are social networks.
Google+ is an attempt to reach and extract info about people. And Google offer a "google profile" to control your information for the all its products. So basically, incompetency to extract info about people has forced Google to come up with a "+" and not continuing with Orkut. Yes, Orkut is going continue living, but facebook is a great and better competitor of orkut. They have their own algorithms to find out what people like and they present relevant ads. And, Orkut is one of those products using for social networking. On the bottom line, Orkut was good but it was not that successful.

On the other hand, Facebook is the most successful social media website, that finds it too easy as people themselves boast about what they like. So the advertisements in Facebook are comparatively more relevant with no real logic and algo.

MySpace and Twitter are not enough in comparison to Facebook and Google+, considering the simple reason of the main intention of use. However, Myspace has implemented a new interface and features regarding the combination of music service channel and social network.

Twitter is like sharing anything in short message text, but it is not for social-networking or chatting. It is the one of the most popular social networks as well. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Social Media

Technology makes our life better in general. For example, we can have a face-to-face chatting or calling, no matter where we live by clicking a button. Also, you can randomly reach out to any people and share some information, interests, and pictures. People are able to search and store any type of information and documentation with no paper required in their computers or cell phones. Technology has been rapidly improved and made our life more convenience, beneficial, easier, and fruitful.

Social media is one of the core technologies, that has dramatically developed time to time. It is used as enablement of networking with no physical medium. Also, you can share anything you want with people whether you know them or not. According to the New York Times’ article “How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks’ Power”, He wondered if social networking, with its tremendous communication capabilities and aggressive database development, might help him beat the overwhelming odds facing him. As a result, for his political campaign the millions of names of supporters were engaged almost instantly. Likewise, the social media could be influential to address thoughts and ideas.   

Although there exist the advantages of the social media, the disadvantages always happen to be encountered. The privacy issue is one of the major disadvantages. According to the The Wire’s article “Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private”, even Zuckerberg was not able to prevent his privacy from opening to the public. On the bottom line, it is too confusing to set up the privacy setting; it is apparently hard to safeguard your privacy life since you can search anyone on Google, Linkedin, and Facebook. In order to prevent the privacy issues from occurrences for the future, the security management system will need to be required and reinforced by implementing better security performance systems.

Work Cite
Carr, David. "Obama's Personal LinkedIn." The New York Times. The New York Times, 9 Nov. 2008. Web. 7 Oct. 2014. <>.

GREENFIELD, REBECCA. "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private." The Wire. The Wire, 26 Dec. 2012. Web. 7 Oct. 2014. <>. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wikis vs Blogs

The world is greatly changed through the internet world. The networking-based system provides you lots of information through databases such as Wikis and Blogs.  There are major differences between Wikis and blogs.

First, Wikis are edited by multiple anonymous users, yet the blogs are usually edited by single users. In addition, Wikis are based on many writers and readers, but the blogs are one writer but many readers. For example, accordance with the article, “Pentagon Keeps Wary Watch as Troops Blog”, the blogs are most likely being watched by many people for any purposes.

Secondly, the articles on Wikis are consistently changed and continuously updated. On the other hand, the blogs are chronologically recorded by a single user. According to the New York Times article “Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles on People”, because of those characteristics of Wikis, Wikipedia’s freewheeling ethos is about to be curbed. It makes sense that Wikis try to limit the access for editing, adding, and changing to keep information on Wikipedia’s accurate database. This curbing system could be one of the new things that Wikis has not been done yet. It could lead Wikis to become more like the blogs with the limited access.    

Although both Wikis and the blogs have the differences, there also exist similarities. Both web pages are bases on knowledge sharing from time to time. Likewise, Wikis and the blogs are similar but different at the same time.

Works Cited

COHEN, NOAM. Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles on People. 24 August 2009. <>.

DAO, JAMES. Pentagon Keeps Wary Watch as Troops Blog. 8 September 2009. <>.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

New Media Research Project

Title: Privacy issues of social networking sites

Description: The privacy issues of social networking sites have been put on the spot in our society, which dramatically become more serious and significant in our life.

Why is it important? It's because the lacking of privacy in the cyberspace brings out victims of crimes, online bulling, and etc. We will go over how the privacy protection is important and what method we need require to solve those issues.