Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog About Twitter

The twitter discussion is very quick, instant and spontaneous comparing to a Blackboard discussion and and in-class discussion since there’s only certain amount of characters (140) that users can insert in each posting. It means the twitter directly delivers the user’s message to the other users like a flash lights between light houses and ships at night time. It has a function called hashtag (#whateveryouwanttosay), that could make the postings more variety even though the users can only type 140 characters. When you click the hashtag, you will be able to see all the other user’s posting with the same hashtags.

On the other hand, the BlackBoard discussion contains heavy contents but much clearer than the twitter discussion. Each discussion has a title and is based on given topics or certain subjects. By commenting each posting, the users are able to communicate each other. Lastly, the in-class discussion is clear and direct the most because the communication happens in real-time. However, it could be too costly and somewhat hard to meet up and have a discussion, especially when the group is widely distributed.  

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