Monday, October 27, 2014

Creativity and New Media

This is a new social media called "Learning New Language"(LTW). Once you select your language as input and output you want to speak with, the social website will automatically find a conversation partner in a chatting window. It will provide an auto-translate function and you can learn and make friends spontaneously. People can not only share pictures and files over the social website, they can but also save the conversation record in their social networking sites or something. This will be a new type of social media that can lead building up variety of social relationships, communities and educational purpose genre.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Nick, this application or website seems very helpful for foreign individuals to communicate with one another despite their different dialects. This new social media is like a more improved version of traditional writing to pen pals but instead it's through the internet with a function to translate the language. I am mind blown that something like this exists. It's interesting to know.
